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Miami Possession of Fake ID Lawyer
Also Serving Clients in Fort Lauderdale
Many minors want admission into a club or to be able to purchase alcohol, and to do that, they need a fake ID. While these cards are treated as a “rite of passage” by teenagers and some parents, unauthorized possession of a driver’s license or state ID is a criminal offense in Florida. Depending on the nature of its alleged use, possession of a fake ID can be a misdemeanor or felony offense. In addition to criminal charges, students at local colleges can also be subject to disciplinary hearings that can result in possible suspension or even expulsion. Don’t lose your rights. Call the Miami possession of fake ID lawyer today.
Schedule your free consultation today by calling 305-249-0090 if your case is out of Miami, 954-524-4474 if your case is out of Broward County, or contacting us online.
Florida Possession of Fake ID Charges
Florida Statute § 322.212 makes it a second degree misdemeanor for any person to:
- Use a false or fictitious name in any application for a driver license or identification card or knowingly to make a false statement, knowingly conceal a material fact, or otherwise commit a fraud in any such application
- Have in his or her possession a driver license or identification card upon which the date of birth has been altered
Under the same statute, it is a third degree felony for any person to:
- Knowingly have in his or her possession or to display any blank, forged, stolen, fictitious, counterfeit, or unlawfully issued driver license or identification card or any instrument in the similitude of a driver license or identification card unless possession by such person has been duly authorized by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV)
- Knowingly have in his or her possession any instrument in the similitude of a driver license issued by the Florida DHSMV or its duly authorized agents or those of any state or jurisdiction issuing licenses recognized in this state for the operation of a motor vehicle
- Knowingly have in his or her possession any instrument in the similitude of an identification card issued by the Florida DHSMV or its duly authorized agents or those of any state or jurisdiction issuing identification cards recognized in this state for the purpose of indicating a person’s true name and age
- Knowingly sell, manufacture, or deliver, or knowingly offer to sell, manufacture, or deliver, a blank, forged, stolen, fictitious, counterfeit, or unlawfully issued driver license or identification card, or an instrument in the similitude of a driver license or identification card, unless that person is authorized to do so by the Florida DHSMV
- Barter, trade, sell, or give away any driver license or identification card or to perpetrate a conspiracy to barter, trade, sell, or give away any such license or identification card unless such person has been duly authorized to issue the license or identification card by the Florida DHSMV as provided in this chapter or in the adopted rules of the department
- Agree to supply or to aid in supplying any person with a driver license or identification card by any means whatsoever not in accordance with the provisions of this chapter
Florida Statute § 322.212(3) also makes it a third degree felony for any employee of the Florida DHSMV to allow or permit the issuance of a driver license or identification card when he or she knows that the applicant has not lawfully fulfilled the requirements of this chapter for the issuance of such license or identification card.
Possession of Fake ID Penalties in Miami
Second degree misdemeanor convictions for unauthorized possession of or other unlawful acts in relation to driver licenses or ID cards are punishable by up to 60 days in jail and fines of up to $500. Third degree felony convictions are punishable by up to 5 years in prison and fines of up to $5,000.
Those even charged with use of or conspiracy to use a fake ID can have their license or ID suspended for up to a year. Additionally, any person who provides false information when applying for a commercial driver license (CDL) or commercial learner’s permit or is convicted of fraud in connection with testing for a CDL or commercial learner’s permit will be disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle for a period of one year.
Give us a call at 305-249-0090 if you are in Miami, 954-524-4474 if you are in Broward County, or contact us online to request a free consultation.

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